Financial Assistance
Leahurst College offers a number of bursaries. All bursary applications must be submitted to Apple Financial no more than 2 weeks after the Leahurst College online application form (step 1 of 6 in the Application process) is received.
Bursaries are need-based and are awarded to students with demonstrated financial need who exhibit sound scholastic achievement, good character, and the capacity to make a positive contribution to Leahurst College.
Students applying for a bursary must submit a completed Application Package and must have written, or be scheduled to write, the Diagnostic Assessment. All bursary applications (via Apple Financial) must be submitted no more than 2 weeks after the Leahurst College on-line application form.
Bursaries are available to both new and returning families. To be eligible for assistance, students must first be offered a place at the school.
To apply for a bursary, parents must submit a Financial Aid Application Form to the Leahurst College account with Apple Financial. This will include providing the family's most recent tax return. Apple Financial will review the applications and make recommendations to the School and to the Leahurst College Charitable Foundation. Families will be contacted in the spring regarding the status of the request, and availability of funds. Please contact our Admissions Office for further information and/or to connect the School with individuals who may be interested in supporting this initiative.
Bursary donors appreciate being informed of the positive impact their gift makes on the lives of students at Leahurst College. Students receiving any form of scholarship or bursary are required to write a personal thank-you note to the donor(s) before the end of the academic year. In addition, background and scholastic information about the recipient may be shared with the donor(s). In the case of donors who wish to remain anonymous, the thank you note can be submitted to the Head of School, who will ensure that it is forwarded to the donor(s).
Please note:
Financial Aid applications must be completed within 2 weeks of submitting the online application.
When possible, Financial Aid decisions will be made in concert with both the Early Admissions (Dec 1) and Regular Admissions (March 1) deadlines.
To apply for financial aid, please go to Apple Financial Services.