The House System

The Leahurst College crest has been designed to incorporate four important goals. Each icon represents an attribute that the Leahurst community strives to instill and develop in each of our students.

During the first weeks of class, each student will be placed into one of the following four houses.

  • Flow House
  • Sentience House
  • Creativity House
  • Potential House

FLOW House

FLOW House is represented by the symbol for wind and water. The interplay of wind and water with flow and resistance reminds us that it is important to cultivate strength of character while remaining in concert with our environment. It also reflects the understanding that strong leadership should include compassion and can sometimes be about relinquishing control.

Picture of two students wearing Flow House t-shirt at an outdoor house activity


SENTIENCE House has the globe as its symbol to highlight the importance of our students as global citizens - those who are actively involved in the global community. Students are encouraged to become conscious of how their actions impact our global community.

Picture of a student with Sentience House face paint at an outdoor house activity


CREATIVITY House is symbolized by the stone arch, a construct with a rich history of integrating engineering with artistry. Supporting creativity through knowledge is a major theme at Leahurst College. Building a strong foundation of skills allows for a culture that encourages imaginative expression, entrepreneurship and innovation.

Picture of two students with Creativity House face paint at an outdoor House activity


POTENTIAL House is signified by the acorn, a symbol often used to represent patience, persistence, strength and potential for greatness. This symbol embodies the notion that being challenged to call on these qualities is what builds strength of character.

Picture of two students holding popcycles, and wearing House t-shirts at an outdoor House activity
Picture of students taking part in a House activity outdoors where one student is spraying another student with water
Picture of three students smilling
Picture of ten students showing their legs with House Potential green body paint
Picture of two students smilling
Picture of two students smilling
Picture of a students applying face paint to another student
Picture of four students smilling
Picture of four students smilling
Picture of a students applying face paint to another student
Picture of a students holding a House Flow paper sign
Picture of three students wearing House Flow t-shirts and smilling
Picture of a student piggy backing on another student outdoors
Picture of two smilling students wearing House Creativity t-shirts and face paint
Picture of two students smilling