How to Apply

Welcome! We are here to guide you through the application process.

Please note that our Grade 5 & 6 program may run as a combined class or as separate classes, depending on enrollment. It is also anticipated that some of our classes will reach full enrollment for the 2024-25 school year. Please apply early and note all deadlines.

Part 1: The Application Process

How to apply in six easy steps:

  1. Complete the Online Application Form.
  2. Give the Character Reference Forms [PDF] to two referees who know the candidate well. At least one reference must be from a current in-person classroom teacher. Please inform the referees that they must mail or e-mail these directly to
  3. Gather the following items to complete the Application Package:
    • two passport-style (not official) photos of the student
    • one copy of the student’s birth certificate (if neither the student nor either parent was born in Canada, then one of the following documents is also required: Study Permit, Landed Immigrant Status, Canadian Citizenship of student and/or parent)
    • one copy of the student's immunization record
    • one copy of the student's Ontario Health Card (OHIP) (Does not apply to International Students as they require special health insurance.)
    • for ESL students ONLY: TOEFL or IELTS exam results
    • one copy of each of the two most recent end-of-year Report Cards (Progress Reports may be included in addition to the Report Cards, but may not replace them.)
    • deposit of $3,000 ($10,000 for international students)
  4. Email to attend our "Student Visit Day" (local students) or a ZOOM interview (International Students)
  5. Book a date for your child to write the Diagnostic Assessment. It will include questions taken from the Ontario Curriculum with a focus on mathematics and language, as well as social skills and a group problem-solving activity*.
    *The group problem-solving activity may or may not take place, depending on COVID-19 safety measures, and the number of visitors we accept on a given day at the time of the assessment. This will take place over ZOOM for International Students.
  6. Email the complete Application package, with all materials together in one folder to:


     Mail to
     Leahurst College
     Attn: Admissions
     4 Cataraqui Street, Suite 109
     Kingston, Ontario, K7K 1Z7

Part 2: The Admission Process

Our admissions team will process all applications as quickly as possible. Acceptance letters will be mailed out or delivered as outlined on our Important Dates page.

Upon receiving an Offer of Admission, parents or guardians must confirm acceptance of the Offer of Admission via email to

In the event that a student does not meet the criteria required for entrance to Leahurst College, or that a spot is not available, the deposit will be refunded. If/when a waitlist is created, the deposit will be held while the applicant remains on the waitlist. The deposit will be refunded if/when the applicant is removed from the waitlist. In all other cases, the deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable (i.e. cannot be used towards the tuition of a sibling).

Part 3: The Registration Process

The registration process takes place in the spring. At that time, online registration will be available via our Parent Portal. Permission forms, signed registration forms, and post-dated cheques must be completed and delivered to the School. (The registration process is slightly different for International Students)

Your child's registration is considered complete when:

  1. they have accepted their Offer of Admission via email
  2. the deposit has been paid
  3. all online registration steps have been completed
  4. the Financial Statement has been downloaded and signed
  5. tuition post-dated cheques (payable to "Leahurst College High School Inc.") have been delivered to the School

We must receive everything at the School by the deadline of July 1. If a class is full, and we do not receive your documents by July 1, we will offer your child’s spot to the next applicant on the waitlist.

Regarding Early Applications

A 15% reduction in tuition will be applied to tuition fees for all successful applicants if the application and non-refundable deposit are received on or prior to December 1st. This discount does not apply to International Students, although early reapplication will guarantee their spot for the following year. (as long as they fulfill the requirements for a return)

All applications received on or before the Early Application deadline must include a deposit of $3,000. Make cheques payable to "Leahurst College High School Inc.".

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at

We look forward to hearing from you.

Information for New Applicants:

Applications received before December 1st will be eligible for Early Acceptance and a 15% reduction in tuition. Applicants who are not accepted in the Early Admissions process (January) will be considered for the Second Round of Acceptances in April. (This discount does not apply to International Students)

Information for Returning Applicants:

Students must continue to contribute positively to the school, both academically and socially, to be considered for re-admission. Applicants who are not accepted in the Early Re-admission process (late March) will be considered for the Second Round of Acceptances in April. Some re-admission decisions may be made over the summer. Only re-applications received before December 1st will be eligible for a 15% reduction in tuition. 

All offers of re-admission remain conditional upon the student having no student Code of Conduct violations from the date of that offer to the successful completion of the current school year. Any such violations will result in a review of, and a possible revocation of, any such offer of re-admission by the Head of School.

For bursaries information, please go to Financial Assistance. (Bursaries are not applicable for International Students)

Our Admissions Team Is Here to Help

Request more information to learn if a Leahurst education is the right choice for your child.

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